Friday, 17 October 2014

Gecko Block Update Oct 2014


So spring has sprung and i'm still trying to sort things out here.
There's some good news though.
My peaches and nectarines are growing.  These pictures aren't form my tree  butt his is about the stage they are at.



They are both suffering from leaf curl unfortunately and I've been pulling the leaves off but that doesn't seem to have helped an awful lot.  Treatment seems to need to be done during the dormant stages so we're enduring it for now and hoping the fruit won't be effected adversely by it.

My apples flowered recently too, they too seem to be showing signs of some issue on their leaves, i need to get it to a nursery to see what they say.  But both the golden delicious and granny smith have flowered, i'm excited to maybe get some fruit from them this year as well. 

Last night at my kids school fair i managed to acquire some more edible options for the garden.
Some African Violets which are going to be repotted soon and take up residence in the bathroom.
And I've heard candied violets are good.  Pansies being part of the violet family works too.

And some miniature pansies which i'm going to pot for the back porch area, although i need to look up their sun preferences yet.  But i'm excited to try some of these, and other thing.

I also managed to acquire some geraniums for tge girls, nice and cheap and while not edible, my girls  will appreciate the easy to grow nature of them and their flowers

I'm thinking in  pot maybe or perhaps over on the far side of where i want the drive way to be where they can get nice and big.  Perhaps in a pot t begin with, I have some nice unused big ones that they'd look nice in.

I know they don't fit my usual guidelines for a plant in my garden, they aren't in any way edible but heck we all have to bend and break, even on our own rules sometimes.  These will hopefully get my girls to stop asking to buy flowers simply cos they are pink (mostly cos they already have them) and when they get their Christmas presents, being their own garden beds and tools to work it, maybe i'll be able to steer them to more edible flowers or even veggies.

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